Attack of the Windmills

Attack of the Windmills poster 502

To hear songs from Nick’s musical, go to:

by Nick Page

It is the story of DAVID, an emotionally wounded young man engaged to marry LIBBA, a member of a family of performers who use every form of hilarity and pathos to make DAVID exit his shell.   In the end, though, it is the wisdom of LIBBA’s great uncle and the innocence of her baby sister that finally free DAVID of the secret that silenced him in his youth.

DAVID   Young businessman engaged to Libba
LIBBA   Former member of the Don Quixote Players, a family of performers
UNCLE LOUIE   Founder of the DQP, an old man who is losing his memory. The love of his life, Philip, has been dead for several years.
ROLLY   Stage manager and tech wiz (uses iPad to post images on huge scrim)
ROSA Mother of Libba, Hadrian, Margie & Flo, Director of Theater
HADRIAN   Older brother of Libba
MARGIE   Younger sister of Libba
FLO Libba’s baby sister (11 years old)
CHORUS of Puppeteers

SCENE 1: DINNER SCENE (Family meet the groom)
         We Sing, That’s What We Do
         I Want the Sun © (Libba & Cast) (lyrics below – click PLAY button to hear)

SCENE 2: The Women Discuss Men
         Why Can’t the Men Be More Like Fred Astaire? © (click below to hear – lyrics below)

In Elegant Times
         Do Ya’ Wanna’ Fool Around? © (Rosa & Libba) (click below to hear – lyrics below)

        Such a Cliché (Flo)
        I Wanna’ Be That Girl © (Margie & Cast)  (click below to hear – lyrics below)

SCENE 3: Prep for Rehearsal
         Three Chords © (Margie & Rolly) (click below to hear – lyrics below)

        Empty (David, Libba & Cast)

SCENE 4: Rehearsal of The Play Within The Play
         The Smallness Will Not Do (The Windmill Song) ©  (Louie & Cast) (click to hear – lyrics below)

TRANSITION: Trust Me #1 Rolly & Hadrian – a lesson in elocution .

SCENE 5: The Shut Up Scene
          Voice of The Light  © (Hadrian & Cast) (click below to hear – lyrics below)

 TRANSITION:  Trust Me #2 Rolly & Margie & others- Imitations

 SCENE 6: The Old Man Remembers
         Enough © (Louie & Cast)  (Click below to hear – lyrics below)

        New Age Marching Song
          Heavy Metal Relaxation Music
          Atheist Hymn
          It Doesn’t End You Know © (Louie & Flo) (click below to hear – lyrics below)

         The Songs Are the Last To Go © (Louie & Cast) (click below to hear – lyrics below)

SCENE 7: The Moon Scene
          Draw Down The Moon © (Rosa & Cast/Chorus) &
          If You Want Me To Love You © (Libba & David)  (click below to hear – lyrics below)

i n t e r m i s s i o n

 SCENE 1: Trust Me Transition #3
         Trust Me, I’m Above Suspicion © (Rolly, David, Margie) (click below to hear – lyrics below)

        Trust Me, She Said  © (Rolly & Margie Duet) (click to hear – lyrics below)

 SCENE 2: I’m not the Singer, I’m the Song
        So Much More © (Libba)  (click below to hear – lyrics below)

 SCENE 3: Preparation for the Wedding Rehearsal
         Easier Said Than Done © (Hadrian, Rolly & Cast)  (click below to hear – lyrics below)

SCENE 4: Wedding Rehearsal
          Sancto Cafetorium (Holy Cafeteria) © (Cast)  (click below to hear – lyrics below)

 SCENE 5: A mother tries to comfort her daughter
           A Million Perfect Moments © (Rosa & Libba) (click below to hear – lyrics below)

 SCENE 6: Louie Speaks
           There’s a Chariot © (Louie)  (click below to hear – lyrics below)

           Little Drops of Water (Are You In There?) © (Louie & Flo) This song will likely be cut. Flo will sing Are You In There? during Uncle Loui’s Chariot song. (click below to hear)

           Be Lifted  © (David & Cast) This may become part of David’s reveal earlier in the show.  (click below to hear – lyrics below)